May 2, 2023Liked by π•­π–”π–“π–Žπ–‹π–†π–ˆπ–Š (π•Ύπ–šπ–“π–‰π–†π–ž)

Thank you for this tutorial on finance. I learned a lot. Didn't really know what kind of an institution Black Rock is. You broke it all down nicely.

PV Patsy

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May 2, 2023Liked by π•­π–”π–“π–Žπ–‹π–†π–ˆπ–Š (π•Ύπ–šπ–“π–‰π–†π–ž)

There's a very simple solution to this, removing voting rights from asset management and conferring them to the underlying investors and the same applied to stock borrow/lend - ing. This parasitic voting leverage is wholly unrepresentative of the client and IMO often breaks the sacrosanct obligation of acting in the fiduciary interest of the client.

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Jan 7Liked by π•­π–”π–“π–Žπ–‹π–†π–ˆπ–Š (π•Ύπ–šπ–“π–‰π–†π–ž)

As a small business owner I know for a fact that there is nothing like competition. it provides the highest quality product at the lowest price.

What else does it provide? it provides choice. a product that has high quality but high price and can be affordable to people that have the income and finances to buy it or the person that isn't as well off can purchase goods that are not of the same quality but perform the same job.

This brings us to incentive. The desire to have the best for personal satisfaction or just bragging rights to show others your prosperity also gives incentive to work harder and do better. All from competition.

Take away this and what is left. Yes, everyone can now afford like items. Items that are all in as equally poor quality as what your neighbor has. The incentive to improve and provide better is removed when controlled by a single ruler.

The desire to be different and make improvements are removed, because the demand is removed because we are told that we don't deserve better and we must accept what is produced.

Man, being the animal we are, is never satisfied and the desire to have something better than their neighbor. Even if it is a bigger button for a bigger whistle. We are the product of being human, having the desire to be different.

For this reason we have the split between the people that are satisfied to let gov. have control and the ones that want to control their own lives and be different.

Government uses the first group to show to all that we have victims that must be controlled for the greater good. For this reason they must regulate everything so they will "level the playing field" A statement often used but never understood.

The concept I assume to provide equality for all. So continues the conflict between the haves and have nots. The conflict that provides the opportunity to write laws to expand government power.

Power which Gov. say's provides the equality for all that can't or won't provide for themselves. Provisions that insure the continued source of victims that must be supplied by our taxes,(investments) and insures equal poor quality for all.

Well, I think I have been redundant too many times so I will thank all for reading my post and ask forgiveness for my poor grammar and spelling--------- I, Grampa

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Dear Matt, Do you really think the founding fathers created "a Republic that was designed to limit government and take away power from a central ruler"? Sincerely Leif J.

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Once again Matt Ehret shows his tone-deaf inability to acknowledge the explicitly genocidal actions of the Zionist occupation group. He says that Hamas attacked civilians, and the Israelis also attacked civilians. Nice work if you can get away with it Matt. The Hamas attack was mostly against the Israeli military--and as such was an impressive raid--with a definite effort also to procure military and civilian hostages. Many if not most of the Israeli civilians killed on Oct 7 were killed by the IDF--a fact which Matt ignores in order to placate the mainstream narrative. Meanwhile, in a wildly disproportionate response, the Zionists have massacred over 20,000 people in Gaza, attacking hospitals and relief groups, while bombing all infrastructure and attempting an (not-very-successful military incursion. By all means teach us about Black Rock, but stop being so goddamned lazy about implying equivalence between the rights of the occupied to fight their oppressors and the arrogance of power exhibited by the Zionists, whose regime may well be on the way our.

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Thank you!

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18? I am impressed. You are someone to follow cuz you’re going places.

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Thank you, that is interesting. I am not sure we should assume Jerome Powell is not anything but a Davos employee. He has allowed inflation to take off like a run away train. It is unlikely he would be in his job if he wasn't working towards the NWO. If the "elites" want to bring own the US economy, he is doing a pretty good job. They would want to introduce chaos, crash stock markets, destroy small businesses and have massive job losses. All of which seem likely under his watch.

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Thanks for the opinion. You should check out Tom Luongo, he has an interesting take on all of what you said.

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I have heard some of his interviews in the past. He smokes a cigar and swears quite a bit, I recall. The fact is that The Bank of International Settlements is owned by the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, Bank of Italy, Bank of Canada, Swiss National Bank, Nederlandsche Bank, Bundesbank and Bank of France.

Historian Carroll Quigley wrote in his book 'Tragedy and Hope' that BIS was part of a plan, β€œto create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole…to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements.”

I don't see how the employee running the Fed can not be following his masters orders. If he isn't, good on him and I hope he has a good body guard!

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Indians did understand the concept of private property, and stating that they did not, and using that (and the argument that most were nomadic) as justification for settling their lands without their input is not valid. See: https://mises.org/wire/did-indians-understand-concept-private-property#:~:text=The%20Pueblo%20Indians%20of%20New,%2C%20Creek%2C%20and%20Seminole).

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